Refund Policy

A full or partial refund may be extended to you in certain circumstances where Mixam has not performed any production work on your order. Such a refund would be adjusted to cover any fees charged for proofs or other services associated with that order. Mixam is not responsible for damages or delays caused by shipping carriers. The cost of postage for mailing projects cannot be refunded.

Full refunds usually are not possible once Mixam begins production on your order. Production will only begin after payment has been made (as required for each particular order), artwork and other media files have been uploaded, and you have approved applicable job proofs. Any changes made or requested after a proof has been approved may not be honored. If you wish to cancel an order, you will be liable to pay any costs incurred for work already carried out up to the date when written cancellation is received by us.

If you receive an item or product from us that you believe is defective, you must contact us immediately at If we agree that the products are not of satisfactory quality, or do not materially conform with your instructions or artwork, we may choose either

to reprint the work; or
to provide you with a refund (or a refund in regard to that part of the work which is defective).

Where you wish to make a claim of defective work, you must, on our request, return the defective products to us. Any such returns will be at your expense. If we agree that the item or products are not of satisfactory quality, we will refund the cost of returning the products (at the standard postal return delivery rate).

Please be advised that we also reserve the right to cancel an order up to the point of delivery if it was based on a pricing error.

Any claims for damages, delay or partial loss in transit must be made in writing to us, so as to reach us within 5 days of delivery.

All claims with regard to the quality or quantity of the items or products shall be made in writing to us so as to reach us within 10 working days of receipt of such items, otherwise such items or products shall be deemed to comply with the order placed by you.